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Re: Fram Deal

To: "Vern & Betsi Lyle" <>,
Subject: Re: Fram Deal
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 20:15:28 -0600
As I posted to another list ... Always had Frams. Never had a problem.

While this may have been one of the easier marketing coups S.Johnson has
done or will do, it does mark an initial step in both trying to get the SCCA
name out there, and in trying to get Corporate America to support what we

If you use Fram and are happy with the product, fine.
If you use something else and are happy with that product, that's fine too.

An open discussion on the relative merits of this or that automotive product
is certainly appropriate to this list. However, I might suggest that a
reactionary slam on a product that has just stepped up to be of support to
our club is, at the least, ill timed.

To the good folks at Allied Signal, who make Fram products ... Welcome to
SCCA! Glad to have you aboard!

I'm tickled by some of the comparative put downs, including that a Fram
element is cardboard, and thus must be inferior to one made of synthetic.
But why? Where is it written that a less costly part cannot be just as
effective? Sometimes we get intoxicated by technology to the point we forget
that the old tried and true still works and works damn well.

(And besides, the technology of cardboard is about as widespread, variegated
and manifold in its applications as for plastic -- just that it's stuff made
of wood product instead of petroleum product).

Another grumble was "why couldn't he have gotten K&N (or some other brands)
instead?" Well, for one thing Big Johnson knew who to talk to at Fram, he
was able to get his foot in that particular door, and in so doing he got
SCCA tied with a nationally known brand every Average Joe sees on the shelf
of his parts store or Wal-Mart every day.  When's the last time you saw a
K&N on the shelf at Target or Kmart? When's the last time you saw a K&N ad
on television or in a magazine (other than car mags)? What exposure to The
World would K&N give us? If you, as a consumer, really like the K&N then by
all means use it! But realize that while the K&N may (in your opinion)
further your competition goals, it would do little to further SCCA's
exposure goals. A corporate support that may be 10% of K&N's marketing
budget may be a tenth of a percent of Fram's -- thus it would be out of
reach for a K&N and easily within reach for a Fram. And that is to our

--Rocky Entriken

-----Original Message-----
From: Vern & Betsi Lyle <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, January 20, 2001 12:36 PM
Subject: Fram Deal

>Ok, does anyone have any concrete evidence that Fram filters are not
>for our cars?  Not the old "I have a friend who blew up his motor and I
>it was because of the Fram filter he used" or "I sold filters and the Fram
>junk" stuff.  Not just opinions, any scientific test results?
>If so, publish them and let's see if the Fram Tech Rep can refute them.
>Shooting the guy as he rides in carrying money doesn't seem like a good way
>start a relationship to me.

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