Touched a nerve, didn't I. :^) Okay, I'll be more my request.
Which, for some reason, I sent at 4:47 PM, but didn't hit until 1:00 AM. I
have since seen the site since I got home. Thanks to all who may have
already forwarded the text.
Would "web challenged" be better? :^)
Matt Murray
For the ultimate Rally book and information,
go to
and type in "MU01" for a ten percent discount.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark J Bradakis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 3:31 AM
Subject: Late night nits
> BTW, could someone copy the story and email it to me,
> I cannot access the I-net here.
> I'm assuming by 'I-net' you mean internet. If you didn't have internet
> there, you would not be able to send the message you sent, or receive any
> reply someone sent to you. What you likely meant to say was you don't
> a web browser available.
> The internet is the collection of computers, routers, wires and such that
> provides the backbone upon which the bits of this message and many many
> travel. One analogy is the 'information superhighway' upon which digital
> information, or traffic, travels to various points around the earth. Sort
> like, say, Interstate 80 or Interstate 5 or whatever. The interstate
> carry various sorts of traffic, like old Dodge station wagons with the
> 440, Ford Mavericks, Jaguar sedans and big honking 18 wheelers, such as a
> Peterbilt, full of Wal-Mart merchandise.
> Like the highways, the internet also carries traffic, but in an electronic
> form. This traffic comes in various forms from various sources, such as
> email, or FTP traffic from, or telnet sessions from one
> to another. Web browsers like Netscape and Internet Excrement are simply
> sources of this digital traffic on the internet, they do not comprise the
> the internet. Saying that web browsers and the internet are the same
> is a lot like saying that Interstate 80 and a Peterbilt are the same
> mjb.