AE, you knew I wouldn't leave this alone. :^)
Next weekend is the New England Region banguet.
I have to pass on the NYR meeting (plus it
will be full of New Yoikas!!).
I like to avoid lists that have
their service provider stamp very
tacky adverts on the end of each post
(just like I do for the
Rally book :^) ).
Matt Murray
From: Arthur Emerson
Subject: Re: Eastern USA?
"Matt Murray" <> wrote:
>How about Shea Stadium?
>Yeah, I know Hoffa isn't there, but that doesn't mean it
>would stop us from going. :^)
Matt, Kevin, et. al.,
Both NYR and PSCC are working on alternate sites. PSCC's
general meeting is tomorrow (Monday) night, and Diane is
coming up from NJ with some research that she's done. NYR's
Solo Board meeting is next Saturday at noon, and one of the
topics on the agenda is follow-ups from our initial attempts
to secure every site that you have mentioned so far (and
a couple that you haven't).
If you want specific details, I strongly suggest joining
the NYRAUTOX egroup. (Instructions are on the NYR-SCCA
page on Perry's web site.) In addition, if you're an NYR
member, contact Rich Wayne to get an invitation to the
NYR Solo Board meeting next Saturday and offer to give us a
hand. -Arthur