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RE: Vacaville..... any Autox's near by there?

To: "autox list" <>
Subject: RE: Vacaville..... any Autox's near by there?
From: "Loren Williams" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 21:35:59 -0600
Mike B said,

> << I just figured anyplace named "Cow Town" must be near
> Fresno.  ;) >>
> ____________________________________________________________________
> Sorry to inform you "Partner"
> That little place is called "Kansas City"

Believe it or not, "Cow Town" is an attraction in downtown Wichita.
Don't know exactly what's there.  In my 13 years here, I've never had
the urge to go check it out.

Loren Williams  |
'96 Mazda Miata | Wichita Region SCCA -
life, just recently covered in snow)B. 99cm

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