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Mark Bradakis is "OUR" hero

Subject: Mark Bradakis is "OUR" hero
From: "Murray, Matthew D." <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 19:37:00 -0500
Since the thread is running this way, I'd like to mention the following.

I'm probably speaking for all of us, but "Mark, Thank You So Very Much For and keeping it running. We don't say it enough, so again, thanks, 
have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (which goes out to all of my 
fellow Team.nuts commrades, too!)!!!

Matt Murray
(I think MJB still takes contributions to his Beer Fund, his Spit Fund, and 
the Server/Ops/Admin Fund at an address I'll find later here or at home) 

Mark "The High Priest of" wrote:
>Glad someone noticed.  What Loren is talking about is another filter put in
>place through which mail for passes.  Previously, messages
> with attachments, useless crap like winmail.dat and HTML formatting were 
>shuffled off to the side, where I may or may not have gotten around to 
>dealing with them in a timely fashion.  The 'demime' filter now cleans up a

>lot of that stuff automatically.  So now I have time to do things like 
>figure out: 
>Killer Spit - 4 cylinders, 6 runs at the Solo II nationals = 1.5

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  • Mark Bradakis is "OUR" hero, Murray, Matthew D. <=