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To: "" <>
Subject: Triumphs
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 11:48:37 -0500
<<<Just razzin ya Phil.  I've always loved the TR2s and TR3s.  Way back
my pops used to have a TR2 and I fondly remember open-top motoring in the
countryside as a young'n.>>>

My father transported a brand new TR3A to Okinawa when we were stationed
there '58-60. He used to take it to an abandoned airstrip to "clean the
carbs". He sold it to someone instead of shipping it back to the US but it
left an impression.

In 1970, I bought my first car - a '59 TR3A. It was stolen in Atlanta in
1972 with most of my belonging inside (believe it or not...) when I was on
my way to my first 'job' as a co-op student at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. I showed up the next day after an allnight bus ride and fell
asleep at my desk.

Paul Foster

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