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Re: Stupid Ways To Go Racing

Subject: Re: Stupid Ways To Go Racing
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 16:21:44 -0700
The good news is that yes, I have a copy.  I should have at least one copy
of each and every message ever successfully sent to the

The bad news is it may take some time to find it.  RealSoonNow things will
be different.  In truth, many of the 80+ lists hosted at were
available for web based searching at, but recently things there
seem to be in disarray.  So the plan I had a while back to finally gather up
all the archives I have tucked away in various magnetic cubbyholes for the
autocross list will be on hold for a bit.  There are ways to get the archives
on line easily, but most of them have the side effect of allowing scumbag,
low life spamming thieves a chance to harvest email addresses easily.  The
folks at Listquest had been converting addresses from text to graphical bitmaps
which were not easily harvested.

Anyway, stay tuned, I should have the articles you seek available soon.


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