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Inane arguments

Subject: Inane arguments
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:21:21 EST
in my internet travels,  I seem to notice certain people's name a lot.   
Judging by the number of posts that I see of theirs on and wheel to 
wheel, etc, many of which are involved in some sort of miscommunication,  I 
wonder how where they gets the time to post to so many lists.   

When the internet was still in its infancy,  most of the users were isolated 
in the collegiate or high-tech arenas. Discussions were intellectually 
heated, but like any faculty party,  the borish people eventually got the 
point and went home. New users often got over-excited by the new 
communication (I was guilty of this about 5 years ago) but quickly quieted 
down after a month or so of commenting on EVERY post.  Now, with computers 
being sold at Walmart,  many forums are filled with "Cousin Eddys".  I wonder 
when all of the worthwhile discussions will go back to just being local, one 
on one chats?

sorry for the WOB
opinions not necessarily those of GRM
yada yada yada

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