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Re: Demographics Now

Subject: Re: Demographics Now
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 16:28:52 -0500
"msmith2" <> wrote:

> Roger can point it out 'till he's blue in the face, but it's still just
> opinion. Please, state it like one. He 'THINKS' SM is not going to
attract a
> lot of new faces. Unless he has a working crystal ball, he doesn't KNOW.

Heh - and he's been wrong before. Hey Roger! ROGER! I have it from a little
bird that someone is busy building a new ProSolo timing system - one that
does reaction times - and that it should be ready for Ft. Myers. I don't
remember if we shook on it or not, but I think I just won a bet. :)

> However, I KNOW that STS and SM are now 2 of our
> largest local classes, and MOST of the entrants are also new members for
> '00. Sure it'll take a while to trickle up to Nationals, but there are
> plenty of signs that it is working.

Could you perhaps document this, and send a copy to Howard (and another to
Karen Rafferty)?

One of the tnings on my "SM to do list 2001" is to get better returns from
the Regions on how we're doing on a local level. Ideally, I'd have a rep in
every Region reporting to the list on a regular basis....

> Should SM catch on, and add numbers to the system, 1 or 2 extra SM
> are sure to be required to extend it's coverage to cars that it had
> before. That SHOULD do nothing more than make SM numbers even higher due
> the cars that wanted in earlier. However, IF Roger is right, and the
> entrants are mostly existing racers, then there won't be additional
> I'm pretty sure the progenitors of SM are already plenty aware of that.


You know, for a CP guy, you're pretty reasonable. How 'bout jumping the
fence and playing with us? ;)


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