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RE: Excluding cars?!?

To: "Michael McAvoy" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Excluding cars?!?
From: "Patrick Washburn" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 07:06:19 -0600
C'mon folks.  Excluding cars, and thus people, is simply not an answer.  I 
can't imagine in my wildest dreams that we would actually say to 
someone, "Uh....sorry ol' chap, that car is too old to eligible in *our* 
events..."   Let's talk about realistic solutions to the 
prob.......uh.....hmmmmm, what was that problem statement again?

> Hmmm... Interesting thought.  What if a "seven year rule" was applied when
> the final year of the *model* was seven years old?  Why should a '93 NSX 
> tossed out for obsolescence when you can still buy almost the same car new
> today?

Patrick Washburn
C-Tech Trailor Cabinets
Wausau, WI
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