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ESP, M3s and complaining.

To: "''" <>
Subject: ESP, M3s and complaining.
From: "Maraglia, Dominic" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 12:02:10 -0800
Hello Fellow Team.netters,

I have been lurking on the list here for awhile and reading the "M3 in ESP
complaints" for sometime now.  I am not really sure if ESP is the right
place for the M3; however, I think the M3 is not any more misclassified then
many other cars.  
For example, in '96-97 I ran my '67 Mustang in ESP -- while my car was not
prepared to the full extent of ESP rules, it was far more prepared than many
nearly stock '96-'97Camaro's, and AWD Talons.  My car was hopelessly
outclassed by these newer cars -- 5.7 liter injected, 350 hp, 6 speed
tranmissions, huge tire capacities, modern brakes, steering, suspension,
etc.  If the SEB really compared my car to newer cars (like newer Camaros,
AWD Talons, M3s) then you'd see a serious mis-classification -- one which is
a lot worse than putting the M3 in ESP.  Of course, if I want to be
competitive I could sell my Mustang and buy an M3...or maybe create a class
for older cars which are no longer competitive -- oh wait, isn't that what
Prepared is for?!


1968 Mustang ESP...or CP?

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