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Re: ax-digest V1 #344

Subject: Re: ax-digest V1 #344
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 16:36:21 -0600 (MDT)
Approved Get.Real
Subject: National level classes and competition.

I've got some old golf clubs in the garage, I can go out any day and show
Tiger Woods how it is done.

I've been thinking of getting some new basketball shoes.  If I buy the right
brand, fellow Salt Laker Karl Malone wouldn't stand a chance against me in
a little one on one.

There's a tennis racket over there in the closet.  I'll dust it off, and make
my reservations for Wimbledon.

I've got a Kool Kar out in the garage.  Going to Topeka to kick some butt!!!

While you're pondering whether or not any of the above statements apply to the
different level of resources, committment, and talent involved between regional
and national level classes, or any current debates, here's a fact you can count
on.  I'm flying out of town for a short trip, if the list clogs up I won't be
back to fix it until sometime sunday.

Haave a loquacious weekend.


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