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Re: Attn: B and M Dept.: Peru

To: washburn <>,
Subject: Re: Attn: B and M Dept.: Peru
From: Sam & Greg Scharnberg <>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 20:27:40 -0500

Based on the Subject, I assume you are referencing B Mod competitors and that
is because I refer to S Mod as S and M :-) :-(

I know Greg and I left for our 475 mile trip home during the second heat and
even waved to you :-)  Greg had requested Tech and we arrived early Friday
(before 4:00 pm) so Greg could work.  Greg did work Tech Friday evening from
4:00 to 8:00 pm.  However, we did leave for a bit to take the trailer to the
site and walk once and so did the others assigned to Tech.   I helped stuff
packets before registration opened (didn't take that much time) and Greg
offered to work Sat morning Tech, but they had plenty of workers scheduled for
Sat. morning Tech.  Also, the organizers know me and Greg well enough to have
asked for help if they needed more bodies during the event.

I am sure you saw Bill pull out during the second heat.  He did not compete on
Sunday.  You may have seen Mark pull out also, and he did not compete Sunday. 
I DO believe that Georg, Mac, and Bruce stayed to work their assignment.  I
wasn't there so can't tell you.  We had left the site :-)  There were only
B Mod competitors Sunday.  I know the entry list showed more competitors
to be exact) that did not compete at all.

Almost any competitor who does not compete on the second day feels very little
obligation to fulfill their work assignment for that day :-(  Greg and I feel
differently and would stay to work even though we were not able to compete.  
Now, should a person be DSQ'd if they did not drive nor compete on one day
of a
two day event?  This includes the folks who can only arrive the second day and
the folks who only drive the first day.   

 My apologizes if the subject was not directed at B Mod,

At 06:57 PM 10/16/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Another observation from Peru:
>While working the gate during the second of 4 run groups on Sunday, I
>watched no less than 5 competitors pack up and leave just after
>completing their first run group runs.  Not that it's any more of my
>business than everyone elses, but unless they had some kind of special
>permission, this surprised me considering the experience of the BFG
>competitors.  I trust that we will be seeing the DSQ's on the results? 
>To those who left early (without dispensation of course)...I salute you.
>There, bitching done.

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