> Um....I think there was a thread a few months back about powder coating
> wheels.
> If I remember correctly, numerous people chimed in with (in best
> knuckledragger voice) 'Powder coating too expensive! Rattle-can
> easier/cheaper!'
> Issues abounded around the coating chipping/not holding/cracking/etc,
> etc....
We powder coat all of our aluminum trailer cabinets. I have experience
with other Architectural coatings such as expensive Kynar resin based
liquids and Enamals. The powder coatings are very durable, have
excellent adhesion on aluminum, and are very hard with better scratch
resistance. Cost is not bad if you have a volume coater near you.
Powder coating remains our choice for all of our products.
Pat Washburn
C-Tech Trailer Cabinets
Designed for the Racer