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Re: Tire Rack Lack of Service ( was re: 4x100 15" wheels )

To: "David Hillman" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Tire Rack Lack of Service ( was re: 4x100 15" wheels )
From: "Dave Whitworth" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 15:04:24 -0500
I think their size, along with unemployment being 2-4% in most areas
contributes to this problem.

You have two choices as I see it:

1)  Do what you have already done and just not buy from them.  There are
plenty of places that sell tires.

2)  Make an effort to contact someone higher up in the company to voice your
concerns.  I doubt that the person (people) that own Tire Rack had a meeting
and decided the corporate policy was " Screw the customers, we don't need
them.  You are just being exposed to (IMO) an underpaid, rude customer
service person who feels answering phones is beneath their 8th grade
education.  With that level of education, they should at least be a VP of

You might be just wasting your time, and this falls into the category of
"how hard do I need to work to buy from you" but if you get somebody who
cares, they might be able to satisfy you.  At least they should be able to
take your info and put it towards improving their customer service

Personally, when this type of situation arises, I don't always do #2 or #1.
It kind of depend on what mood I am in.  As a small business owner, I try
very hard to satisfy my customers, but I know there are situations that I
don't even hear about that cost me business.  When somebody makes the effort
to contact me, I try to satisfy them the best I can.  I would like to think
that Tire Rack has a similar policy.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Hillman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 2:20 PM
Subject: Tire Rack Lack of Service ( was re: 4x100 15" wheels )

> Dave Whitworth wrote...
> > You might try Tire Rack and see about their steel wheels for the winter
> > packages.
>    Good luck.  As much as I'd like to buy from the Tire Rack, I cannot as
> long as they continue to refuse to sell to me.  I made the mistake of
> asking about steel wheels a month ago, and other than automated replies
> advising me who my 'salesman' is, I cannot get a reply from them.
>    I'm not sure why, but I guess they are just above selling steel wheels
> now that they are big-time, and have their name on cars at Nationals.
>    Maybe they were upset that I pointed out that their fitment database
> for RX-7s is all wrong.  I was just trying to help.
>    It is really sad, a few years ago you never heard complaints about
> their service; now it is commonplace.  Oh well, they aren't the only
> people who sell tires, even if they think they are.
> --
>  D a v i d  H i l l m a n
>  scscc, nma, scca, imoc

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