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Re: I'm not dead yet... and new e-mail address!

To: "Jeffrey D. Blankenship" <>
Subject: Re: I'm not dead yet... and new e-mail address!
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 14:09:21 -0700

"Jeffrey D. Blankenship" wrote:

> Autox content?  I was modifying hockey pucks for use with floor jacks and
> jack stands.  Take care, they are too small to work with without push
> blocks!

Dayyaaaam Dude!!!.... That will put a crimp in your day. Don't you watch
Norm from This Old House? ALWAYS use a push stick for small stuff. Power
Tools deserve a lot of respect and a bit of fear.

> Casualty: three fingers on my right hand from the last knuckle out were
> shredded.
> Good news is steel pins will replace the bones, and I'll have most of the
> length,
> sensation and mobility if things go as expected.  I nearly died during the
> second surgery, but after two days in intensive care I recovered.  Details
> of
> that are too gross to relate here...  Lets just say its good to be back.

Welcome back Jeffrey. I assume you have or will develop a real
appreciation for all those things that those three fingers do (or

I hope this puts into perspective how 'difficult' it must be to hit the
DELETE key a few times a day when one has all of one's fingers to do so.

Randy Chase

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