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RE: Tire warmers... nekkid?

To: <>
Subject: RE: Tire warmers... nekkid?
From: "Steve Couture" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 11:01:34 -0400
Mark J. Andy wrote:
> (btw, tire warmers can be a PITA.  More stuff to haul around, more stuff
> to setup when you get to grid, gotta be able to quickly strip them before
> you run, etc.  I don't think I'd bother for anything less than divisional
> & up competition.)

I had to read the above statement twice to be sure you were talking about
ELECTRIC tire warmers.  Some people may argue that the above statement could
be equally applied to the flesh-and-bone type of tire warmer as well...
except for the quickly stripping before runs part.

If the new requirement for co-driving was standing nekkid in grid while your
teammate is on course I'm certain we would see far fewer two driver cars.

For those with an anti-Ladies class agenda there may be an opportunity here.
Implementing this requirement would probably lead to the rapid exodous of
all women from our sport.  (I personally can't think of any "ladies" that
would want to be within 10 miles of a parking lot full of overweight
middle-age men standing around in their birthday suits.)

However, I'm sure that there is an "untapped market" out there that
implementing rules such as this may actually attract to the SCCA.  So the
overall impact on membership numbers could be a wash.

And you thought men walking around grid in thongs and Budweiser dresses was
an eyesore!  ;-)

Steve Couture
#19 NASCAR Neon
Co-driver/tire warmer... ALWAYS fully dressed at events.

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