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Sound measurements

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Sound measurements
From: Dennis Hale <>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 07:44:42 -0700 (PDT)
We have a long and spotted history on this subject in
SFR. There are things learned to do and not to do. SFR
roadracing has HUGE sound issues, especially at Laguna
Seca. The Solo2 community has tried to reinvent all
that that group has gone through without ever talking
with them. If your region has a roadrace group with
experience you ought to see if some help could be
easily supplied from them.
The SCCA GCR has a very good section on the subject
that really is worth the bother to read and use. 
The process will be very disruptive within the club.
Human noise perception is not at all the same as
measured sound pressures. A basic decision to be "user
friendly" or "technically correct" needs to be made
early on. "Technically correct" will cost you core
club members, and will not have any effect on the
neighborhood or opinions of non-participants. 
Cheap Radio Shack equipment is far from precise, a
certain amount of "user friendly" may well be proper. 
A check and balance system is needed lest the sound
meter operator become a martinette or, as has become
popular here, a czar.
A healthy respect for bounce-back phenomena, including
fences and large concrete structures is needed. An
understanding that more than one car on course will
produce an additive effect. An understanding of meter
dirction effects and the need for a stationary meter
are very important. This is actually all stuff better
covered by the GCRs than the little Radio Shack user's
A system for working towards problem resolution with
the loud cars is needed BEFORE the confrontations
begin. [Just self-rightously kicking them out is the
SFR way, and it sorta works...]. A capture meter is
good if such is the intent...

Dennis Hale

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