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RE: Subject: I'm Not Every Woman

To: "David Schwabe" <>
Subject: RE: Subject: I'm Not Every Woman
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 19:51:34 -0700
> But next year is a distinct possibility to go to Topeka. And I would hate to
> see my wife's ability to choose what class she wanted to run in taken away.

Note that the choice you refer to is one which no male has, beginner or not.

Women have a choice of two venues of competition in autox.  One of them
statistically has fewer competitors and (again statistically) slower times.  The
other has relatively more competitors and faster times.  They are permitted this
choice in a sport where no demonstrable physical disadvantage pertains, in a
culture where at least 90% of women have been driving cars for as much of their
lives as men of the same age.  I don't believe it can be contested that this is
simple, classic gender discrimination.

Now, I understand and appreciate Katie's message - I've had this discussion with
her in person as well.  I'm not advocating that ladies' classes be eliminated.
I'm not saying that the SCCA has any responsibility to eliminate them.  I
understand that there are sound practical reasons for their inception and

However, as a person who doesn't believe in ANY discrimination; on principle, I
personally abhor them; and I think less of the SCCA for perpetuating them.
(shrug)  That's fine, everyone has an opinion.  What I *don't* understand, in a
kind of Mars/Venus way, is why some women view my position as anti-feminist.

> Call it powerdpuff if you want... but we should be including as many people
> as possible, not being exclusionary.

There is absolutely nothing exclusionary being debated.  Not one person would be
excluded from fair competition if ladies' classes magically disappeared.


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