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Re: No skirts in this email

To: "Jeff Cashmore" <>, <>
Subject: Re: No skirts in this email
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 19:41:38 -0500
Late apex everything. It's usually my first lesson in getting a newbie
through a course. Later I get into "late apex as early as possible" as well
as recognizing when early apex is the way through. I contend a late apex is
the fastest way through 90% of the time and the way that keeps the newbie
out of trouble 100% of the time.

Walk the course until they kick you off of it. that phrase is someone
else's, but I like it's meaning. Implicit is that every course is a memory
course, know what you are going to do in a given section before you get

Stay ahead of the car. Probably one of the more difficult concepts, so it is
not usually one I introduce right off the bat. I will try to get there by
the end of the day.

hand positions -- 10 & 2. Such a basic thing, surprising how many newbies
DON'T do it. and in line with that, so many rest their right hand on the
gearshift when they have no need to use it. when I ride with a newbie, it is
almost always something I need to get them to fix. (I accept 9 & 3, often
depending on where the spokes of the steering wheel are).

--Rocky Entriken

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Cashmore <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 7:15 PM
Subject: No skirts in this email

>Solo 2 isn't broke, let's not fix it.  Instead, why don't we talk about
>something worth changing, our driving.  As an instructor, I find myself
>repeating the same things to students over and over.  Below are the lines I
>use most often.
>Cliche #1 "You paid for the whole course, use it."  ie: wider lines in AND
>out of the turn allow you to keep the speed up.  Every car I've ever driven
>had better brakes than acceleration, including the V8's and twin turbo's.
>Many newbies drive down the middle of the course never getting close to the
>apex cones, etc.  If you go all day (ie: 6 runs at a local event) and don't
>hit a cone, chances are you weren't pushing it as much as you could have.
>Cliche #2 "The turn before the longest straight is the most important"  ie:
>don't overcook it.  If you have to wait to get on the gas you don't just
>lose speed for that turn but for the next straight too.
>"Go fast in the fast spots, slow in the slow spots"  Oversimplified, I
>but too many newbies try to do the whole course at 35 mph.  They're going
>too slow on the straights but too fast through the hairpins.
>"Brake in a straight line"  It's more efficient and lessens the chance that
>you'll flat spot the tires.  Yes, there are times when you can trail-brake
>but for the most part it just get's people in trouble.  See this months NAP
>article on the 'tire budget' for related info.
>Anyone have any they'd like to add?
>Jeff "Never driven in a dress" Cashmore

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