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How many trophies

Subject: How many trophies
From: "Albert E. Cram, M.D." <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 11:34:23 -0500
Some are advocating that only the top three should get national trophies, 
using the Olympic standard as a bench mark.  If we use the NASCAR standard 
only one driver goes to the podium.  That would really help make the 
banquet brief for those with attention deficit disorders.  The argument 
seems to be that going deeper than third place somehow devalues the award 
to the National Champion.  I would point out that ONLY THE VICTOR gets the 
jacket. That's the real gold medal in our sport.

  Some  are born with great talent and can achieve trophy status in our 
sport without breaking a sweat.  Even these individuals must put in 
considerable time and effort to get beyond trophy status to the national 
championship level.  Some, with less natural talent and lots of hard work 
will achieve national trophy status and with a great deal of effort and 
lots of seat time may one day aspire to a national championship if 
everything goes right one year.

Some of us have to work hard just to be competitive on a local and regional 
level.  We love the sport and hope that seat time and car preparation will 
eventually make us competitive at the national level.  Can someone like me 
ever win a national championship?  Let's see, I'm 58 years old, started 
autocrossing rather late in life, my work prevents me getting as much seat 
time as I need to drive a car like the Tiga at anything approaching it's 
limits, and perhaps I'm a bit too laid back with regard to my "fever" to 
win.  I do think if I continue to improve I can get to the trophy level at 
nationals in C mod.  This is a VERY competitive class and I will be very 
proud if I manage the last trophy position whatever that number may be.  I 
managed a nationals trophy in E mod several years ago and I remain proud of 
that accomplishment.  I doubt the winner of E mod that year even remembers 
that I got a trophy too, and I doubt he feels his is devalued by my own 
little memento.  I will be at Nationals each year I am able, and will 
approach each championship competition with the small glimmer of irrational 
hope that I might have that "two days in the zone" miracle that sometimes 
allows an ordinary mortal to rise above himself and actually get the 
jacket.  The current format works very well.  Who cares how many are in the 
audience when we cross the stage?  If you need adoring fans to feel the 
competitive achievement has value you'll need to go to a highly visible 
professional racing series to be really happy.

I have a good life but it is seldom happier than the week I spend at 
Nationals each year taking my shot at the brass ring.  I'd still go if they 
only gave the first place trophy but I think the current system holds out 
carrots that many of us find attractive.

It ain't broke.  Let's not "fix" it.

Al Cram
Old Duffer Racing

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