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We have a TLS volunteer! (was RE: Powder Pff)

Subject: We have a TLS volunteer! (was RE: Powder Pff)
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 19:23:39 GMT
"Jeff Lloyd" <> wrote:
>I'll do it!!!! I allready have the PI symbol magnets from a
>joke 2 years ago. so I will be 3.14159 BSL at the next
>national event..
>dare me???

You are officially dared to do it at the 2001 ProSolo season
opener, which I'm speculating will be in Fort Myers, FL some
time at the end of February.  I'll even provide the "L1"
magnetics, in hot pink of course.  I'm even contributing
$10 towards your entry fee.  Anyone else want to contribute?

Note to the ladies: Please make sure to check off "protest"
for your work assignment when registering for this event.  You
just know that *somebody* is going to write the paper to
"protest his shift knob," ;-) and all of Team.Net is waiting
to read the findings of the protest commitee, if you know
what I mean.

>I'm sick, sometimes, Arthur and Allen both can attest to that

I'll only testify as far as having your car impounded by the
police overnight during the 1999 Harrisburg ProSolo.  Maybe
Alan knows more.....

-Arthur ("Don't think he's man enough to run ladies class" edition.)


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