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Shock question

Subject: Shock question
From: Matthew Carson <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 18:01:45 -0400
        I have a question about shock theory in general.  I just bought Kumhos,
and only have three events on them in my '98 1LE.  They are quite different
than the R1s (not G-Forces) that I had before, and I am still trying to get
the car to feel right.  At an event last weekend I didn't feel like I could
get the rear of the car to rotate like I wanted it to, especially going
into turns, and couldn't seem to tune it out with tire pressure.  
        Now here is my shock question.  I have Koni double-adjustables, and I
thought that stiffening the rear compression might help.  My thought was
that when entering a corner, the outside wheel will be in compression, so
stiffening it would prevent it from rolling as quickly and prevent as much
weight from transferring.  Thus the outside rear would have less weight on
it and thus less grip, and this would make the rear end slide around a
little more.  I stiffened them three clicks each for some fun runs.  
        It definitely did feel better, and I took off 1.1 seconds after not 
able to improve all day, although some of this was from taking a better
line through one turn.  I am not sure how much was the shocks and how much
was the driving.  My question: is that a reasonable change?  Is my
understanding of the theory correct?  I know shocks sometimes seem
backwards from what I expect...


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