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Re: was: catch-all classe now BSM/SM2 can we also take a vote on a

To: autox list <>
Subject: Re: was: catch-all classe now BSM/SM2 can we also take a vote on a
From: Loren Williams <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 21:16:45 -0500

Mark Sirota wrote:

> The whole concept is flawed.  Just say any tire and wheel that fits
> without modifying the inner or outer fender, and leave it at that.

Hang on there!  We're arguing about this point in STS and we've got a very
well defined tire/wheel width limit.  You're talking about street mod
here!  If a person is going to go through all the trouble of swapping an
engine or designing a turbo system, do you really expect them to NOT flare
fenders and put on wide tires?

Loren Williams |
'94 Saturn SC2 | Wichita Region SCCA -

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