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back from Nationals - it was great fun again!

To: "'AutoCross Mailing List'" <>
Subject: back from Nationals - it was great fun again!
From: Engstrom <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 11:47:44 -0500
Wow - that was fun - again!

I didn't drive well (again) - but then again that isn't my main
reason for going (yet).  The event as a whole went VERY
smoothly!  It was pretty incredible to see that many cars
run and still be done by 4 every day (or there abouts).  Thanks
to everyone who worked so hard to make this a successful 

Congrats to all the National Champions and all the trophy
winners, and everyone else who did their best!

Special thanks to Ken Baker who got all those results posted
so quickly on the web. (my theory on the delay of 2nd heat
results is that is the heat that Kenny ran in and he was probably
in impound - I'm just guessing though).

Gotta go unload the trailer....
DonaLeigh Engstrom
SSL 154

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