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RE: Help with 240Z Carbs!

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Help with 240Z Carbs!
From: "Greg Smith" <>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 11:15:02 -0400
After reading my own post, I feel that I need to correct one typing error
and explain technique on another item.  First, to tune the carbs by ear, use
a section of hose to listen to the pitch made by the air flow at the mouth
of the carb.  By adjusting each carb separately, try to achieve the same
pitch on both carbs while staying within the idle guidelines specified in
the factory manual.  Second, when re-connecting the dual-carb linkage, check
to make sure that your  individual idle setting ARE NOT, repeat NOT
disturbed.  Typically, a bent or binding linkage can cause one carb to idle
higher than the other upsetting the balance between the two carbs.  Hope
this helps out. - Greg Smith, BSP Wannabe

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