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Karl & JD

Subject: Karl & JD
From: Gary Spray <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 17:48:24 -0500
I'm sure Karl will tell you all about his time in Topeka but to see a
picture of the Duo check out:

That's the best dressed they looked all week.

A comment on Steve Johnson- This guy is all right. He was at Forbes all day
on Tuesday & Wednesday and at the Wednesday night Awards he announced that
as long as he was SCCA president he would be at the Solo 2 Nationals each
year. As you can imagine this brought a huge ovation. One of the Topeka
folks that was instrumental in bringing the Nationals to Forbes said that
the previous SCCA president spent less than 15 minutes at one Nationals
about four years ago.

Oh, that's Steve Johnson in the picture standing next to Alfa Karl.<G> Now
lest you think that Karl is a midget, I have to tell you that Johnson is

Gary Spray
Topeka, Kansas
White 1990 Mazda Miata
Kansas Region SCCA - Solo 2
#16 CS (or 19, or 61, or 91, or 1, or 6, or 9; only got two numbers)

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