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RE: Neon/Hoosier question?

To: "Pete Gallo" <>, "Autox Mailing List" <>
Subject: RE: Neon/Hoosier question?
From: "Jeff Lloyd" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 21:45:47 -0400
Contrary to popular belief the hoosiers seem to work fine oversized.  I run
245's on a 7" rim and they grip like anything
They are however wider in section width versus the same numerical sized
kumho or BFG so if you are cutting it close with the BFG then
The Hoosier may not fit.  Check for section width vs.
numerical size.  I remember in the old R-1 days the 245 R-1 and the 225
Hoosier were almost the exact same size since the Hoosier runs large and the
R-1's used to run fairly small


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Pete Gallo
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 9:26 PM
To: Autox Mailing List
Subject: Neon/Hoosier question?

I see a Hoosier shod Neon in third at nationals, does anyone know which
size?  205 or 225 (which may be a to wide for the 6in rim).  If 225's work
OK, do they fit the rear too?


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