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Re: M3 Out of ESP - No Longer a Controversy

To: <>
Subject: Re: M3 Out of ESP - No Longer a Controversy
From: "Dave Kizerian" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 12:35:36 -0600
> But perhaps the most obvious reason the M3 doesn't belong in ESP is a
> who has proved nothing prior to this year, ending up in THIRD PLACE at the
> national championships. Todd's a very good driver, but no where near the
> level of driving his results in ESP show.

So what about the 4th place eagle talon? Should they boot him too? He beat
The top 15 places  had the following cars in them
    6  camaros
    4 eagle talons
    3 M3s
    1 Firebird

> And lest the "ESP ponycar drivers are weak crowd continue their whine",
> Daddio the god, took first place in FS (running in the heat right after
> ran) and his time would have been 16th in ESP.

What the hell does the place of somebody else in a different class have to
do with whether the M3 does or doesn't belong in ESP?

> It is unfortunate that national champion level drivers were deprived a
> national championship this year because of the SCCA's decision. Paula
> Whitney and (probably) Eileen Lindberg should have had a ProSolo and Solo
> National Championship. Mark Madaresh should have had his 2nd in a row.

So you're honestly saying that Bob Tunnell, Todd Green, Jim Leithauser, and
Patty Tunnell are NOT national level drivers?

> It's not clear who was happy this year, other than BMW, a few BMW
> aftermarket companies, and a few M3 drivers.

I've been really happy listening to you pull ONLY the numbers, scores, HP
ratings, weights, Times, etc...  That make the M3 look bad, and not ALL of
the viable numbers.

Dave Kizerian

P.S.  I do agree that the M3 should be moved out of ESP, but saying that Bob
and Patty aren't "national champion level drivers " is BS.

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