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Nats update #3

Subject: Nats update #3
From: "Jeff Cashmore" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 03:51:45 GMT
It's hot here, really hot.  You can only walk the courses in 100 deg heat 
for so long before you need to take a break.  Thankfully it's supposed to 
cool down to the 80's tomorrow.

The courses seem more HP oriented than the last two years.  Frank Stagnaro's 
south course is (surprise) wide open and very fast.  One, maybe two third 
gear sections for some.  We usually have 20 to 25 pace slaloms back home.  I 
paced one on the south course at 27 and the other at 30.  Seems more a test 
of the car than the drivers ability.  Karen Babb's north course has 
(surprise) lot's of slaloms/offsets but even this has a drag race start.

The town hall meeting was interesting.  Too many topics to cover them all 
here.  You are encouraged to write the SCAC regarding the new stock 
reclassing.  They'd like to know your opinion either way.  The saftey 
stewards were encouraged to enforce the speed directives in the rule book.  
Interesting regarding the speed I think we'll be hitting here at Nats.  It 
was also brought up that we're reclassing cars based on 'slow, tight' course 
results while it appears that future will be bringing more of the fast 
stuff.  The results are supposed to be reported on the SCCA web site at the 
end of each heat.  Look for a Nats webcast next year ala the Meridian tour.

On a bad note, Per's car got broken into at his hotel.  Lot's of CP cars up 
on jack stands in the paddock.  Rick Ruth found a bone yard rear axel to 
replace the twisted one he found while checking his diff.

Jeff 'wishing I had a v8 this year' Cashmore

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