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(long) Re: A big thanx to those involved with our labor day weekend warm

Subject: (long) Re: A big thanx to those involved with our labor day weekend warm ups
From: jon e prevo <>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 14:45:04 -0500
I guess this is what I get for playing with the family for two whole days
in a row!  I came in to numerous letters about Evolution tune-ups posted
over the weekend.  Please let me take a moment to offer my thanks and
comments on our private Evolution tune-up Saturday, under the instruction
of Erik Strelnieks.

Friday evening we had arranged for dinner, drinks and bench racing with
Erik.  It was a small affair, with 9 people including spouses.  I was
surprised that Erik immediately pulled out a sheet of notes and began
addressing each of our personal concerns.  The next 3 hours was literally
an intense lecture on driving techniques, setup, mental strategies, tires
and lots of other stuff.  Awesome!  I learned more than I had hoped to
learn in the whole weekend!

Saturday morning, we arrived at the site around 7 am, set up a course of
Erik's design, and begun an outstanding day of personal instruction!  We
all ran 10 runs under Erik's watchful eye, he ran 3 runs in each of our
cars, we broke for lunch and then we did it all over again, this time
driving the opposite direction.  After some pointers, in the morning I
was running .5 sec faster than before.  In the afternoon, after the
instruction runs, I improved a full 1.5 sec!  Plus I was faster than the
instructor.  Now that was a good feeling, even after he told me how much
my car sucks!  After 10 runs in that car in 111 degree heat, I felt like
I had run a road race.  I got a blister on my right heel from the exhaust
pipe heat under the floor!  Note to self:  wrap exhaust pipe in a blanket
when installing on the new car!  

Su Brude and Jim Harris in their BSP Vette looked really good, and while
we were running, their Discount Tire rep brought their new tires and
wheels.  Su is awesome!  Look for her to kick some BSPL ass.  Gerry
Terranova was there in his HS Honda Civic.  That man is a machine!  I
doubt if his times changed .3 sec all day (until he put on his new
Hoosiers and immediately gained .5).  Look for Gerry on the HS podium!

I am pretty sure the unanimous opinions are 1)that I was the most
improved student and 2)that the day was invaluable to all who attended. 
Thank you SO much Jean and Erik, for going so far out of your way to
provide us with this opportunity.  As Jean mentioned, this is going to
become an annual event, presented by Equipe Rapide each season as a
Nationals tune-up.  Look for information about it in July and August next

Peace, out!
Jon FP 73
TCB Racing Datsun 260Z
TLS #73

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