Ok....I'm going to give it one last plug on this forum. Sorry for the
spam.....treet...smeat...whatever you want to call it.
If you're a Nationals rookie, and you're the highest finishing
newbie...Grassroots Motorsports magazine will give you a really cool trophy
from Scott Schleh AutoArt............HOWEVER...you can get that really cool
trophy AND $500 if you are a GRM subscriber and are running stickers.
Meanwhile....at the Friday night banquet, I am going to pick a name out of a
bucket....in that bucket there are going to be slips of paper of current GRM
subscribers who have stopped by the GRM tent (on vendor row) and filled out
the the ticket. You can subscribe on the spot, and throw your name in.
The person that gets picked will win $500. Simple as that. No talent
necessary. If only 100 people stop by........you have a 1 in 100 shot at
the $500 check signed by the person who signs my paychecks......