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Re: I'm coming to Kansas!

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Re: I'm coming to Kansas!
From: "Steve Wynveen" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 22:32:16 -0500
1> When are you arriving/leaving?    Sun. early afternoon/Sat. AM
2> Where are you from?    Germantown (Milwaukee), WI
3> Where are you staying?    Fairfield Inn
4> What are you driving?/In what class?    Vintage Red 1994 RX-7 R2 in SS
5> When are you running?    Thurs/Fri
6> And?    Its my first trip to Nat's!  I'd be ecstatic to place anywhere
above mid-pack.  Big thanks to all those that have given valuable driving
and set-up help over the last 1.5 yrs.  In particular: Jean Kinser/McKamey
School folks, Tom Kotzian, Erik Strelnieks, Bob Clark, Jim Crawford, and
especially Chris Dvorak.  Boy, do I sound like a Nascar driver or what?

Steve Wynveen

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