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Peru slots for non-Evolution students available...

Subject: Peru slots for non-Evolution students available...
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 12:33:10 EDT
Not to make this overkill on the warm up-BUT, have had a few people wanting 
in Peru but were never in a school since '93.  Here is the deal-we are 
allowing people in who have not been to a school but are signing up for 
2001....this is possible with a $100 deposit sent to me that will be applied 
to their enrollment in a school next year.  If you are one of these people 
who wanted in, write me ASAP as I leave Wed to go, and bring me your deposit 
check to the site.  I need to know if you are intending to do this.  Remember 
the practice is sat/sun and you can run or both days..$50 for both, $30 for 
one.  It is a practice and not a school......


Jean  Kinser

All decals both logs and bumper stickers, plus all shirts will be available 
at the warm up, seminar and Nationals.

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