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Nationals Entry

Subject: Nationals Entry
From: Lloyd.Wilson@Alcan.Com
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 07:43:13 -0500 (CDT)

I just did a quick and dirty count from the website, a total of 1102 entries.  

Stock - 468
SP - 234
P - 178
Mod/F125/ST - 222

Largest classes

SS - 50
BS - 55
CS - 51
FS - 60
CP - 66

IMO, clasess with abnormally low turn out considering the number of entries, in 
"normal years" I would expect this type of turn out.

DS - 32
CSP - 37
ESP - 39
CM - 37

Again, these are my calculations and opinions, yours may and will be different.

Lloyd Wilson


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