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RE: Power Fantasies (was DSP, was Nationals entries)

To: <>
Subject: RE: Power Fantasies (was DSP, was Nationals entries)
From: "Steve Hoelscher" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 20:19:15 -0500
I found this thread in my e-mail, forwarded by someone on the list.  After I
stopped laughing, I decided it was time to squish some of the myths on this

>>> "Jay Mitchell" <> 08/17/00 05:44PM >>>
Mike said:
>> Hard to believe a SP legal X1/9 can do 135 HP,

>Can't. Try 100, maybe 110 tops. You're talkin 1500cc
>non-crossflow motor here.

All (repeat: All) of the horsepower numbers I have seen quoted in this
thread are way over the horsepower my car makes.  I have spent a lot of time
and money on the dyno looking for an additional pony or two and they are
hard to come by.  No, I won't quote any numbers for my car here, but the
factory quoted horsepower rating for a stock 1500cc FI X1/9 was 75 HP.   If
anyone out there is actually making 100 crankshaft horsepower with their DSP
X1/9, it won't survive impound.

As for weight; at Topeka last fall most of the trophy winning SP cars were
weighed by the Solo Board in impound.  My car weighed 1925 pounds.  It was
the lightest of the X1/9s weighed.

If you look at the numbers, stock horsepower for an X1/9 is 75, stock
horsepower for a Neon is 150.  You do the math.  Yes the X1/9 has a lower
center of gravity, but not A LOT lower.  Yes, the X1/9 is lighter, but no A
LOT lighter.  However, the Neon has A LOT more horsepower (assuming you
consider double, a lot).

I have not yet seen a well prepared, well driven DSP Neon.  When I do, I
expect it will be a threat to win.

Steve Hoelscher

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