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Re:Nationals, What to look for

Subject: Re:Nationals, What to look for
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 03:39:37 EDT
In a message dated 8/14/00 11:24:05 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< So what all should I look forward to in my first attempt at going to 
Nationals? Besides getting beat really bad...? >>

Last year was my first time. I wish I had gone many years sooner. My wife and 
I (we got married this year) had a great time and recomend it to anyone who 
takes autocrossing at all serious, and even if you don't, there is nothing 
like being around 1000 autocrossers in one place. It may not be safe, but it 
sure is fun. We didn't make it to the talent show or Baby Dolls, but there 
was still plenty to keep us busy. The 6 runs you drive are such a small part 
of the week. 

NEVER expect to do well your first time there. I figured I might grab the 
final trophy spot, YEAH RIGHT. I didn't do terrible, but on the first day I 
found myself in 12th out of 18. After one run I was 6th in the trophies, but 
the other guys had cones and such, they improved seconds, I only clipped 
tenths. I drove better the second day with the "pressure" off, but still came 
out 10th of 18.

My wife on the other hand had a solid second in ladies and held on to it for 
a trophy, and she had only been running 2 years to my 12. Too bad another 
first timer actually won so she didn't get top rookie. 

Go to have a good time with friends and treat it like a picknick instead of a 
race you are in. Coming from Chicago, we never get a course anything like 
these, and the size is unreal. Walking from your paddock space to north 
course is a hike, brinmg a bike, or take the CP bus if you are brave.

Gary and Sara Meissner
42 ES and ESL this year
Yoda Racing 95 Celica ST

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