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Re: Cen-Div event/Peru

Subject: Re: Cen-Div event/Peru
From: Adam Popp <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 14:16:44 -0400
Hello Mike. I believe after the 1st Day Gary Gadula had the lead. Peter
Coulhoun, Todd(the other one who lives near Chicago and who tried to
moon me this past Saturday before my 1st run, but I looked away when he
did so) Green, Bill Smiley, were in the battle and a couple others were
also. I couldn't tell you won over all in CM this weekend, sorry. Could
anybody else help us out? 
 Both courses were pretty good.  Saturday's course was almost like a
road course with pylons.  Sunday's course was more technical and more
like nationals courses, but pretty fast.  It was a pretty well runned
event, but they could of cut back on those radio audits:) Great battles
in most of the classes, great weather all weekend besides a few
sprinkles on Sunday morning and no problems with the course design or
any cars colliding on course. Overall a great event.
  I didn't do as well as I would liked this past weekend but I did have
some fun though. I finished 8th out of 14 drivers in B/SP. B/SP's
biggest class around here in years! Daniel won B/SP of course, kicking
all us B/SPer's asses.  Lets see I was 1.7 behind him on Saturday and
about 3.2 seconds on Sunday.  I think I might have to protest his
autocross skills at this year's nats,:) or I just have to improve mine. 
Eric Heller finished about 2.1 seconds behind him overall, and Larry
Diemer finished in 3rd.  Here are some other results from this past
weekend in Peru....

B/M- Domeck, Pettigrew, Sharnberg
F/M- Nardin, Whitling?
E/SP-Stemler, Haufman, Feighner, Maradeth???
S/S- Dvorak, Braun, Strano
C/S- Potocki, Burger
D/S- Hughes, Miller
H/S- Hearne, Harns
F/SPL-L. Krueger
A/P- G. Kinney
B/P- I believe T. Willoughbey, A.Murrell?
C/P- R. Ver Mulm

If anybody else could help me out with the rest of the results that
would be good, but Jeff Cashmore should have the results up on the BFG
Cendiv site very soon. That's it for now, I'm out.

Mike Bultemeier wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how CM stacked up this weekend at Peru????
> Mike B. 99cm

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