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RE: Need help; FJr drivers allowed to work???

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: RE: Need help; FJr drivers allowed to work???
From: "Paula Whitney" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 09:15:12 -0500
Actually at ProSolos we use some of the older ones to work PreGrid and
I have used one very fast and very bright young lady in Timing both as
a timer and a radio operator(Christine Berry).  My daughter started
working in timing at a local level at about 6 or 7, now I never let
her out of timing!!

But by the letter of the law they are prohibited.  Originally we used
them for clean up and as help in registration.



Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 1:00 AM:

My interpretation of this paragraph is that 8-12 year old Jr Drivers are
from this prohibition during their run group" because when they are driving
they obviously_have_to be in staging, grid, start/finish, and on the course.
But this also implies that the prohibition still applies in heats
other than
one in which they run, so they can't be a worker in any of those
areas.  This
is the way the situation has been handled at Tours and ProSolo's, AFAIK.

Perhaps we do need another sentence there to make it clearer that Jr Drivers
aren't allowed to work in those areas, even though I think this rule already
prohibits them from doing so.


In a message dated 8/10/00 11:57:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> The rulebook is nebulous, at best, when it comes to defining this
> question.  The only reference to age is contained in Section 2.1.N at
> the top of page 51 when it says:  "Children under twelve (12) years of
> age and pets shall be prohibited in the staging, grid, start/finish
> and course areas.  Drivers from eight (8) to twelve (12) years of age
> who are participating in an approved Junior Driver program under the
> requirements of Appendix I are exempt from this prohibition during
> their run group."

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