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Re: DTN Nominee #3?

To: David Hawkins <>
Subject: Re: DTN Nominee #3?
From: Ed Bickford <>
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 21:11:30 -0400
You get my vote!

David Hawkins wrote:

> I suppose I'm the only one not to pony up some personal
> info so here goes:
> I started autoxing in Seattle 4 years ago when I went to an
> event to meet up with a fellow MR2 owner.  I plowed the
> course with my 89 Supercharged car and then came back
> the next week to get a ride with Glen Hernandez and get some
> insight into how it should really be done.  I was hooked.  I moved
> to Pensacola the month after my first autox and got involved with
> Gulf Coast Region right after I got settled.  The first year was spent
> learning the car and attending as many events as I could.  The
> second year I was appointed Solo II Co-Chair and made it my
> unofficial job to bring down the course speeds while making the
> courses themselves more technical (since no one was providing
> course maps, I figured I'd come up with some that favored my 112HP
> MR2).  While Solo II Co-Chair, I championed the cause for a novice
> program and ride-alongs in the region (fruitlessly, but I fought the good
> fight).  Last year I jumped to Dixie Region since I was running there
> every month anyway.  I try to help out as I can, but being 3 hours from
> the site doesn't lend to my abilities in that area.
> I try to build up autoxing wherever I go, as I think it does have a direct
> impact in how good of a driver you are everyday life.  I've chosen to
> stick with some of the most profoundly classed cars despite their
> weaknesses (93 Mr2 Turbo in ASP, 85 ITA Mr2 in CSP, 86 Mr2
> in CSP, Toyota Cressida in EM), and pass on whatever setup information
> I learn to whoever happens to ask (and some who don't happen to).  I
> still compete in Gulf Coast Region every month, and am still championing
> the need for ride-alongs, in addition to running in Dixie every month.  When
> I can convince the SO to let me, I run Wiregrass too  :)
> I was pretty strong in the running last year, but didn't want to create a
> conflict in my region (JD was from Dixie also) and it didn't look like Uncle
> Sam was going to give me time off anyway.
> Personal Background....I'm 31, with a BS from the Naval Academy in
> Aerospace Engineering.  I resigned my commission last month after 10
> years on active duty and look forward to some time of my own and the
> inevitable job hunt.  Mr2s have been my passion since I bought my first new
> car, the 93 Turbo, in August of 1993.  I've owned 14 of them and currently
> have
> bits and pieces of 7 parts cars scattered about the house in addition to the
> 93
> in the garage and 86 which is in the middle of an engine rebuild.  An 88
> Supercharged car with an uncertain fate sits in the front yard.  My first
> car was a
> 1966 Corvair, which I restored with my father and which now resides in his
> garage
> awaiting my purchase of a larger storage area.  I pulled Dad into the SCCA
> at the
> final Divisional of 1998 when I bought him a membership for his birthday
> and
> surprised him with a co-drive when he came to watch me run.
> But...I'm rambling.  I really enjoy this forum and hope that I add to it
> when I
> can.  If you see fit to send me to nationals, I promise to wear a big DTN
> T shirt every day and shake the hand of every team.netter that I run across.
> I'll
> even keep a few cold ones in the Winnie for ya.
> David Hawkins
> 86 Mr2 CSP in pieces
> DTN hopeful

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