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Re: 3in1 Machines ???

Subject: Re: 3in1 Machines ???
From: Stephen Bernard <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 22:56:18 -0400
> tools for 20 years now. If you buy a good piece of equipment you 
> will use
> it for a long time and your money will be better spent than buying 
> one of
> the $1500 or so 3 in 1 tools and then finding out you are 
> dissatisfied with
> it and selling it for half of what you paid for it. If you are 
> looking for
> machine tools I would suggest Enco - most of their stuff is Chinese 
> made
> but for around $900 I believe you can get a benchtop mill that will 
> do a
> pretty decent job. The other thing to take into account is a lot of 

My father was in the machine trade his entire life.
Owned his own corporation and he disliked Enco.
Better bet is to find someone locally who REALLY knows
the equipment and buy a decent used Bridgeport.
The ways might have to be ground tho.
As far as a drill press there are a lot of really nice used ones
on the market.
"All in One" machines can't do anything well.
There is a company that does make a small miller that my dad
really likes, very acurate and affordable. I could get the name
if the original poster is interested.
Myself I only have about 14 years in the Machine trade.
My dad has almost 40 years.
Good equipment is always a good investment and can usually
be sold for pretty close to what was paid for it.

Steve Bernard
Red '99 Miata (B-Stock)
NER Region (Novice Class)


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