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Re: The Classing Picture As A Whole

To: "Scott Meyers" <>, <>
Subject: Re: The Classing Picture As A Whole
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 11:27:01 -0500
Scott Meyers wrote:

> Stock - Pure Stock. Eliminate all modifications currently
allowed. Class
> accordingly.

That will make maintaining a Stock-legal car
_much_more_expensive. Here are a handful of examples:

1. Exhaust systems. Stock is stock. You gotta go back to the
dealer to replace your muffler and exhaust pipes. Ever check on
what that costs? It'll wake you right up.

2. Shocks. Dealer prices are many times what yer basic
garden-variety shocks go for, and in many cases they're also more
expensive than the Really Good Stuff. Dealers generally don't
even keep shocks and exhaust systems in stock, because nobody's
stupid enough to pay dealer prices for these items. Except the
poor Pure Stock competitor if Scott gets his way.

3. Brake linings. Dealers get something like twice the going

4. Etc., etc.

What the "pure stock" advocates always miss is that the Stock
rules were (mostly) set up so that a guy who shows up in a car
that has had _typical_  non-competition type maintentance for
several years isn't rendered illegal by the fact that he has
Monroe shocks or Midas exhaust parts on the car. You can't allow
this kind of competitor (which I claim you'd damn well better do
if you want Solo to survive) without also allowing folks to take
advantage of the exact same allowances to help them go faster.

Richard Atkins wrote:

> As it is now somebody shows up in a stock car, gets beat, ask
> and is told "to be competitive you need to make these changes
to your car"
> all which cost money.

I've never heard a new competitor told that, and it's a good
thing, because it isn't true. If you wonder why those other guys
in your Stock class get times that are 5 seconds quicker than
yours on a one minute course, here's a clue: it's not because of
car or the tires.

Jay "we can't all win, even in Pure Stock" Mitchell

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