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Re: Playing to win

To: Scott Meyers <>
Subject: Re: Playing to win
From: washburn <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 22:46:23 -0500
Scott Meyers wrote:
> washburn wrote:
> > There are many people that just don't
> > know what they are missing because they won't try it.
> I've been there - finished mid-pack a few years back in D Stock with a 1995 
>240 SXSE
> the first day, and then had a major brain fart to sink down day two. 

I remember you..I've always liked those cars.  Didn't you tape a plastic
knife to your window?  I did a fun run in one and liked the car, except
for the quirky rear steer thing.  I take back my assumption that you
have not attended large sounded as though you hadn't and I'm
bad with remembering names.

> Again, see the above. And since when is it a 'sad attitude' to want to have a 
>chance at
> winning?

What I said is that I think it is sad to *not go* because you don't
think you can win.  Wanting to have a chance at winning is not sad at's what foster's competition.  Maybe I'm too much of a
purest...I go for the fun regardless of my chances of winning.  (Which
are pretty bad this year by the looks of things BTW)  I understand a bit
more when talking about extreme distances though.

> I've beaten or run with some decent talent in the past - still do. I suggest 
>that you
> stay far away from market investments with your current prediction record  :-)

You should see my portfolio!  :(
> You must live closer than 1800 miles to Topeka, huh?

Yeah, but I figure the 3 1/2 hours I drive each way to all my local
events make up for the 600 miles I am away from Topeka. :)
> Try this one out - Stock would be just as much fun without the current allowed
> modifications. Fathom that for a while....

We are closer on this point than you may imagine...I waved my own banner
about the shocks two years ago in a like manner as you.  I've been
convinced since then that there is no practical way to police it. 
Doesn't mean I like it, it just means that I have no better plan to
offer that is practical, truly workable, and enforcable.  I guess I'm
too far over the edge as far as wanting to be competitive...I understand
and respect your point but have accepted the allowances for what they
are.  It would still be fun to see you at Nationals, maybe if we trade
cars we would both do better? :)



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