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how long should we wait

To: "Autox" <>
Subject: how long should we wait
From: "James Rogerson" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 18:07:48 -0500
We should wait until all the Amish have cars before we hold another event.
We should wait until all the luddites have accepted anything before we take 
another step.

Get real, I keep a quote on the wall about how trains will ruin the 
environment, economy and the state of New York at large.  It was penned by a 
future President to the then President.  No, no, no.  You can't do algebra 
because Johnny still can't add.

Soon, we'll have to make the leap.  I'm past ready.

James Rogerson 
[FP #125] - Techless Racing 
"Nails are glue, hypothetically speaking" - Lou Fertile 
"Men that like golf are unhappy at home and incapable of having a meaningful 
relationship with women" - Joseph Heller 

The census records were used in 1941-2 to identify, abduct and imprison 
innocent Japanese Americans. Be sure to fill out yours.  Trust them.

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