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Re: Peru NT course concerns

To: <>
Subject: Re: Peru NT course concerns
From: "Woody" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 20:36:03 -0400
I've never done a national, national tour or pro event, but WOW, look at all
the pylons!  A typical DC area event would do the same courses with a
maximum of 50 pylons (not counting the stop area).  These courses don't
leave any room for creative lines do they?
Woody Hair

> >If you want to check these out for yourselves, you can view the files at
> >the
> >KYR website:
> >
> >
> >
> >The files are in a proprietary AutoDesk format, which requires a plug-in.
> >This is a Windows-only format, so if you don't like plug-ins, or don't
> >Windows (like me) then you can download some "fair" quality GIF files,
> >some "better" PDF files from this URL:
> >
> >

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