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ProSolo, Spectators, TV, et al.

Subject: ProSolo, Spectators, TV, et al.
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 10:22:21 -0400
John Eagan <> wrote:

> Last note to DG. I'm kind of sorry that I said what I said before. I
> still think you ARE just a touch delusional (:-), but maybe I should
> have kept it to myself.

So... you still *think*, you just wish you hadn't *told* me.

Aherm. ;)

> Start putting together that TV package and talking to Speedvision.

Actually, I think TV is exactly the wrong thing to do first.

TV makes a lot of demands on a sport, demands that are non-negotiable if
you want TV. One of those demands is cubic dollars (which we don't have). A
few others - too many classes, car and team presentation standards - it
would appear the present Solo community isn't ready for just yet.

No, the road to success is paved with _spectators_. TV comes later.

> Start by forgetting about doing it with that stupid ProSolo
> format, please.

Ah, you're completely out to lunch here.

1) The ProSolo format is much more visably exciting from a spectator point
of view. It's also easier to follow, once you get to the Challenge portion
- 2 cars go out, one car returns. Just like drag racing.

2) The ProSolo format is a lot more rewarding (IMHO) from a driver
perspective. There's the tree, there's the fact that you get at least 12
runs, and then there's the opportunity to fix on Sunday AM what you screwed
up all day Saturday. I find it a lot easier to drive 20 hours to go to a
Pro than to drive 6 hours to a Tour.

3) On a more practical standpoint, it's a whole lot easier to implement
change to Pros than it is to "real Solo2". There is a very vocal
sub-population that consider "solo2" as it sits today something pure and
sacred, and will fight to the death any attempt at change. The people who
run Pros are trying to, at some level, be "professional" and so are a
little bit more receptive to format changes. Change to Solo2 must be made
at a glacial pace; ProSolo will accept change as fast as a snail's pace.

> (psst...hey, has anybody ever noticed that downhill
> skiing is kind of cool to watch on TV, even though there isn't another
> guy flying down the hill nearby?)

Downhil skiing as you see it on TV has the advantage of EDITING, and lots
of it. Try watching a downhill ski race from the side of the mountain, and
see how visually gripping it is. Don't forget your parka and mukluks.


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