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Re: the whole NT/participation thing [long]

Subject: Re: the whole NT/participation thing [long]
From: Mari L Clements <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 16:15:55 -0400
> These events should be for top-level
> competition first and foremost.  
> If the top-level drivers are denied entry to the Tours 
> and Pros, what's my motivation to go?

Two quick comments. 

First, how are you going to decide what top-level competition is? 
Finishing position at a National Tour against real competition?  (Oops.
Wait.  Can't get into a National Tour unless they've already proven
they're good enough.)  Divisional trophy?  (Oops.  I've got one of them
in a class with no competiton.)  Regional championship?  (Maybe that
would mean something in some regions.  In ours, it generally means you
showed up.)

Second, and not to be overly harsh, no one is denying anyone (top-level
or not) entry into Peru or any other National Event.  They denied
themselves by procrastinating.  (And I've bitten this back 20 times
already and can't do it anymore) I warned you all in mid-May when I was
wait-listed at the Peru Pro that the National office said that events
were filling up and to send in your applications for all events
(including Nationals) now.  It is not any novice, top driver, or anyone
else's fault if you didn't listen.  It's your own.

'91 MR2 NA
-----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree


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