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Re: Top 50 Team.Net Posters (was: calling the kettle black...)

To: Jeff@Winchell.Com
Subject: Re: Top 50 Team.Net Posters (was: calling the kettle black...)
From: Stephen Bernard <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 17:36:29 -0400
> Looking at a database of 45000 messages from the last 2 years to 
> determine the most messages from a single person on a single 
> thread...
> And the winner is....
> Scotty White as best unsupporting actor in "Yet Another ESP Post" 
> 3. Eric "It's the Sedan Stupid" Linnhoff played a broken record in 
> "Street Touring Unlimited"

Broken Record Jeff?!?! they are playing YOUR song then.

> 4. The hot new verbose actor Steven Bernard in his autobiography "Hi 
> New to the List"

Hey it's "Stephen (No "V" in my name Bernard"
Steve for short but not Steven at least spell it right. LoL
Besides I'm not verbose (much) I'm Eclectic. :^)
Is that verbose enough for you. Perhaps I should explain
myself further on this subject.....

Hey how about

1.) Jeff "I take life (and ESP) far too seriously" Winchell

Steve Bernard
Red '99 Miata (B-Stock)
NER Region (Novice Class)


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