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Re: SFR Divisional PAX numbers

To: "Jeff Winchell" <Jeff@Winchell.Com>
Subject: Re: SFR Divisional PAX numbers
From: Todd Green <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 14:26:09 -0600
>I see Steve beat 1994 ESP National Champion Ken Mitchell by over a 
>second. But since the M3 fans say Steve isn't really a top driver, it must 
>just be another fluke (as was this year's Ft Worth NT).

Now, now Jeff, don't get your knickers wrapped around your roll bar.
You of all people should have noted that Ken wasn't on the Magical
Hoosiers(tm).  Clearly this means his car wasn't fully prepared, and had
it been, he would have run faster by the 1.5-3.1% you guys are claiming
and would have been down into the 78-79's thereby smoking Steve. :)

For the sarcasm impaired, please do not turn this into another debate.
It's a joke son...a joke.

See y'all in Wendover, less than a month away!

Todd "Didn't even know Cooper made autox tires" Green

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