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RE: Solo participation too high?

To: <>
Subject: RE: Solo participation too high?
From: "Brad Cox" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:05:20 -0500
>Simply raise the price.<

I think this is a bad idea.  In a past life, I raced bicycles from about 1986 
until 1998, including 3 seasons full-time.  Bike racing enjoyed a "hay day" 
around 1990 very similar to what is happening in Solo2 right now.  During the 
hay day of bicycle racing, we had to pre-register for every event, and "field 
limits" were reached in every category.  At this time, standard race entry fees 
were from about $6 to $12.  For example, District (like divisionals) 
championships required a $6 entry fee.  When things got so popular, entry fees 
quickly escalated to the $25 range.  

Here's where it gets interesting.  Two things happened to effectively make 
"grass roots" bicycle racing a mere shadow of it's former glory.  One: egos and 
attitude problems got REALLY big on the part of racers and organizers (mainly 
the racers though).  And two: Insurance troubles as well as problems procuring 
decent sites caused many organizers to drop out.  Therefore the number of 
available races in our area dropped significantly within 1-2 seasons.  Now, 
here we are 10 years later.  Field sizes are still pretty pathetic.  Juniors 
racing is basically non-existent.  A lot of traveling is required to attend 
available races.  And finally, ENTRY FEES ARE STILL $25.  Doesn't sound like 
much compared to Solo2 dollars, but a good bike racer is pretty much required 
to compete at least once or twice a week in order to maintain fitness.

Personally, I think the best way to continue the healthy growth of Solo2 is to 
strive to get people involved in event organization, organize more events,  
remember that we are doing this for FUN, RESPECT event organizers, and KEEP IT 

(this shouldn't happen to two hobbies in the same life time...)

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